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Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
inaugurated ‘Digital India’ with the launch
of 'Digital India Week' campaign in the
national capital, with a view to sensitize
people of our country through the Digital
India Programme. Digital India is an
Umbrella Programme covering many
departments. It weaves together a large
number of ideas and thoughts into a single,
comprehensive vision so that each of them is
seen as part of a larger goal.
Being a proponent of technology and
digitization, SNDT WU is diligent about the
digital literacy and digital empowerment of
present and future students. In pursuance of
this, the University has created a road map
for the digital empowerment of its
stakeholders and has completed the
- Connecting its three campuses viz. Churchgate, Juhu and Pune through a virtual tunnel.
- Creating WiFi connectivity on its
three campuses - in progress
- Intranet Portal using a platform -
‘Susmavad’ - for communication across
all the three campuses.
Several student centric applications are
being developed and deployed on all three
The Contest:
SNDT Women’s University is
organizing a ‘Blog Creation Contest on
Digital Awareness’, to provide the young
thinking minds of SNDTWU a prodigious
opportunity to portray their ingenious
writing skills.
The competition intends to foster student’s
savor and ingenuity and reward young
professionals whose contributions and
technological ideas will definitely have a
positive impact on society in the near
Rules and Guidelines of the Blog
Creation Competition:
- Structure:
- The Competition is divided into Senior and Junior divisions (under graduate, postgraduate,
alumnae. and faculty). Senior division includes participants registered for Masters/Post Graduate programmes. And, Junior Division includes participants registered for any kind of undergraduate programme.
- The participants should be
registered student of SNDT WU
- Blog should have minimum three posts
and invite minimum 3 friends to comment.
- Participants can blog using the
following languages: English Marathi or
- Participants can select following
- Topics:
- Social media for digital marketing
- E-waste management: Cradle to grave identity
- eKranti : Revolutionizing governace pattern in India
- e governance : Bringing in transparency
- Net neutrality: Should Cities provide public wifi
- Expression of self through social media
- Social Media and privacy
- Social Media endangering Creativity
- Social Media enhancing Creativity
- Social Media affecting mental and physical Health
- Digital India a step towards digital empowerment
- Digital Education: Knowledge Future
- Digital India: Transforming India into a digitally empowered society and
a Knowledge economy
- Digital India transforming the Agricultural Sector
- Digital India transforming Education
- Information for all and Public Internet Access programme will lead to
informed Citizens of a Democratic System.
- Cradle to grave digital identity
- e-health
- Technology for financial inclusion
- Technology for Justice and National Security
- NET ZERO Imports: is it really possible?
- Relevance of e-education (OER) in education
- Relevance of OER in capacity building
- Relevance of OER in enhancing competence
- Digital literacy and the common man
- Procedures for the Submissions:
- Interested participants have
to fill and submit the e- form.
The link for submitting form is
as given below.
- Only original blogs will be
considered for the competition.
Any form of plagiarism will
result in disqualification of
the entry.
- Participants must submit a
scanned copy of SELF ATTESTED
copy of their student
Card along-with the
- Participants from University
Departments & colleges of
Churchgate, Juhu and Pune
must create a blog
using their domain
email id on and send
link for the
competition at the
time of online Registration. If
you do not have
domain email id then
write to to
get it.
- The participants of
affiliated colleges need to
register on the link provided
below and they will be
instructed and informed about
further procedure after
- The blog is to be delivered
within the given timeline.
Assessment will start on the
mentioned in the Schedule
irrespective of the status of
the Blog. No changes are allowed
the last date of final
- An Introduction to blog and
author can be included
- Certificate/undertaking: The
students have to sign an
undertaking that the blog
demonstrated are original and it
is not copied from any source.
Student will be
liable for any copyright related
issues. Scanned copy of the
undertaking duly signed
by the
participant and endorsed by the
Principal shall be sent on
- Criteria For Assessment:
- Creativity
- Content
- Style
- Overall impression
- Contest Deadlines:
- Online Registration: 28th July 2015
- Final Submission: 9th August
- Assessment of Blogs: 10th August
to 13th August 2015
- Declaration of winners: 15th
August 2015
The Final day: Saturday, August
15, 2015
The students winning the awards during the
celebrations of Digital India Campaign will
be felicitated on Independence Day at the
hands of the Chief Guest.
Contact OR for any query
regarding the contest