Digital India
Campaign @ SNDTWU
    Digital India Campaign @SNDTWU

  Other Activities
  1. Creation of 100 applications
    Students from Faculty of Technology will participate in this ambitious plan of creating 100
    applications for Academic purpose.

  2. Workshops based on Application Development tools and Platforms
    These workshops will be conducted by The Technical Student Chapters of SNDTWU - CSI, IEEE,
    ACM Participants: approx. 400 students.

  3. Digital Literacy Program:
    A group of SNDTWU students will volunteer for the Digital Literacy Program in BMC Schools close to
    the Juhu Campus of the University.

  4. Workshop on “Screen cast Tutorial”
    Train students and teachers in using and developing Screen cast tutorials. Tutorials will then be
    uploaded to SNDT Portal as student OER

  5. Creating a database of various Scholarship
    This database will benefit thousands of SNDTWU students and scholars.

  6. Providing official email id
    Email IDs will be provided to around 14000 students of SNDTWU spread over the three campuses

  7. Making available the NPTEL Content
    SNDTWU students will be made available to engineering and
    technology students over the SNDT WU Network which will ensure seamless streaming of high
    quality videos.

  8. Preparation of Question Bank
    This has two stages
    • the software for building and generating questions - will be taken up by the students who are
      creating applications
    • Each faculty - along with their students could prepare about 100 questions for each
      module/unit of different papers the faculty teaches we will get a huge collection of questions.

  9. Completion of IVRS system and FAQ digitization
    IVRS system and digitization will enhance user experience.

  10. Online attendance system Biometric attendance system will be integrated with Payroll system.

  11. Training for the SNDTWU Staff on using the Intranet Portal of the University ‘Susamvad‘

  12. Workshops
    Use of wikipedia and other digital sources in regional languages Software Applications for using
    Marathi on computers

  13. Contests:
    • Debate Contest for students
    • Quiz on Digital awareness
    • Poster Making Competition
    The final of these contests will be conducted on 13tth August 2015 at Juhu Campus

  14. Webinars
    • Webinar on ‘MOOCs and Research’
    • Webinar on ‘Entrepreneurship and the Digital World’
    • Webinar on ‘E-waste Management’
    • Webinar on ‘Cyber Security and Hygiene’
  15. One Day Seminar on 14th August 2015 on ‘Digital Empowerment’

  16. Exhibition Showcasing DI progress at SNDTWU 13th August 2015
The Final day: Saturday, August 15, 2015
The students winning the awards during the celebrations of Digital India Campaign will be felicitated on Independence Day at the hands of the Chief Guest.