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Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
inaugurated ‘Digital India’ with the launch
of 'Digital India Week' campaign in the
national capital, with a view to sensitize
people of our country through the Digital
India Programme. Digital India is an
Umbrella Programme covering many
departments. It weaves together a large
number of ideas and thoughts into a single,
comprehensive vision so that each of them is
seen as part of a larger goal.
Being a proponent of technology and
digitization, SNDT WU is diligent about the
digital literacy and digital empowerment of
present and future students. In pursuance of
this, the University has created a road map
for the digital empowerment of its
stakeholders and has completed the
- Connecting its three campuses viz. Churchgate, Juhu and Pune through a virtual tunnel.
- Creating WiFi connectivity on its
three campuses - in progress
- Intranet Portal using a platform -
‘Susmavad’ - for communication across
all the three campuses.
Several student centric applications are
being developed and deployed on all three
The Contest:
SNDT Women’s University is
organizing a ‘Quiz Contest on Digital
Awareness’, for the students. It is an
opportunity to showcase digital awareness.
The competition intends to foster ingenuity
and reward its students whose contributions
and technological ideas will definitely have
a positive impact on society in the near
Rules and Guidelines of the Quiz Competition:
- General Rules:
- The Competition is divided into
three segments elimination round,
preliminary round and final round.
- Elimination rounds shall be
conducted by University departments /
Conducted colleges/
affiliated colleges.
College shall appoint one of its staff
members as an event coordinator.
of elimination round will participate in
Preliminary round.
- Preliminary round of quiz contest
will be conducted at all the three
campuses simultaneously. Preliminary
round for participants from affiliated
colleges shall be conducted at Premlila
Vithaldas Polytechnic, Juhu. Two best
teams from three campuses and affiliated
colleges will be participating in the
- A team shall consist of two members.
- The decision of the quiz-master will
be final.
- The participants shall not be
allowed to use mobile or other
electronic gadget.
- The questions shall be in the form
of multiple choice, True / False
statement, Specific-answer
question etc.
- Replacement of any participant of a
team is not allowed after registration.
- No accommodation or TA/ DA will be
provided by the university.
- Procedures for the participation in the quiz competition:
- Interested participants shall
register with the respective
college/department authority.
- All the University department
/institutes / affiliated colleges
will conduct elimination round at
their premises and send winning team
(two participants) for the
preliminary round. Colleges shall
register their participants online
using following link.
- Time and venue for preliminary
and final round will be communicated
to the registered
- For any query please write
- Structure:
Preliminary Stage will consist of selection and Stage rounds whereas Finals will consist of Stage round only.
- Each team will have to solve
30 multiple choice objective
type questions.
- Based on marks obtained,
only 6 Teams will advance to
- In case of tie between 2 or
more teams, additional 5
questions will be given.
- Round 1:
No of Questions to each team: 3
Transferable: Yes
Marks: 10 marks for correct
answer and 5 negative marks for
wrong answer.
Time: 30 seconds.
- Round 2 -Rapid Fire Round :
No of Questions to each team: 10
in 2 minutes
Transferable: NO
Marks: 10 marks for correct
answer and 5 negative marks for
wrong answer.
If a team cannot answer the
question, they can say ‘pass’
for the next question.
- Round 3: Audio-visual round
No of Questions to each team: 2
Transferable: NO
Marks: 10 marks for correct
answer and 5 negative marks for
wrong answer.
Time: 30 seconds.
Audience can answer when
question is not answered by any
of the teams.
- Contest Deadlines:
- College/Department level contest
Announcement: 24th
July 2015.
- Registration at the college
level: 29th
July 2015
- Elimination round: 31th
- Online registration of winner
for elimination round: 4nd August
- Preliminary round at Juhu,
Churchgate and Pune Campus (Only for
University Dept and
Colleges): 6th
August 2015.
- Preliminary round of quiz
competition for affiliated College:
August 2015.
- Final Competition and
Exhibition: 13h
August 2015
- Declaration of winners : 15th
August 2015
The Final day: Saturday, August
15, 2015
The students winning the awards during the
celebrations of Digital India
Campaign will be felicitated on
Independence Day at the hands of
the Chief Guest.