Digital India
Campaign @ SNDTWU
    Digital India Campaign @SNDTWU

Digital India Campaign @SNDTWU
The SNDT Women’s University(SNDT WU) was founded a hundred years ago, by a visionary man called, Dr. Dhondo Keshav Karve - now affectionately and devotedly revered – Bharat Ratna Maharshi Karve - a great visionary with a realization– a great vision –'Sanskrita Stree Parashakti' (An enlightened woman is a source of infinite strength) - that set the Indian society changing; the world changing. The SNDT Women’s University was founded in 1916 with five women students.

In its ninety-nine years of glorious service, the SNDT Women’s University has mentored and educated lakhs of women students in various disciplines. However, times have changed. The need to scale up both in quality and in quantity is tremendous when new avenues of knowledge are opening up for women.

The SNDT WU is fully aware of the limitations of the traditional methods to reach the unreached and to expand the scale of operations and hence requires imaginative approach and application of modern tools, technologies and methods. In times to come the reach or sphere of influence of any Institution be it public or private - most of all the academia - a University-would be determined by the quality and breadth of its digital presence. The SNDT WU knows that it is the way, and the only way.

The SNDT WU is earnest about the digital literacy and digital empowerment of present and future students. In pursuance of this the University has created a road map for the digital empowerment of its stakeholders and has completed the following:

  1. Connecting its three campuses viz. Churchgate, Juhu and Pune through a virtual tunnel.
  2. Creating WiFi connectivity on its three campuses - in progress
  3. Intranet Portal using a platform - ‘Susamvad’ - for communication across all the three campuses

Several student centric applications are being developed and deployed on all three campuses.

Inauguration and pre-Event Activities

The SNDT WU considers its duty and privilege to both contribute and celebrate the cause of ‘Digital India’- The symbol of empowerment of the common citizen.

The University began the DI Campaign on July 5, 2015, during the ‘Centennial Foundation Day Celebrations’ of SNDT WU, with the Chief Guest Dr. Raghunath A. Mashelkar inaugurating the ‘Digital India Campaign @SNDTWU’ by uploading SNDTWU IT Policy on the University Website.

On this Day the university announced various the programmes it plans to conducted during August 6-15, 2015 as part of its Digital India campaign.